Controversy creates cash. The biggest risk in life is not taking one (that one is for you Baum).
Ok so maybe the previous statements were full of cliches, but the point being is that NFL GM's should wake up and take a chance on the quarterback formally known as Ron Mexico. Now, I am not going to sit here and try to convince you that Michael Vick is a good human being or that he has honestly turned his life around after his 23 (ish) months in federal confinement. What I am going to try to do is explain from a football standpoint why someone NEEDS to take a risk and sign him to a year long contract, in the NFL.
Let's face it people, Michael Vick is arguably the most athletic human being alive. Yes, I know he was in prison and wasn't able to workout like he would if was in an NFL training camp somewhere but c'mon, that kind of athletic ability doesn't just disappear. Give him a contract, put him through training camp, let him continue to workout with a high profile trainer Tom Shaw, give him a fews weeks into the season to get back into game shape and you've got yourself one hell of a talented player. I think we all can agree that there are numerous teams out there in dire need of a talented athlete that averages 7.4 yards a carry for his career. The wildcat formation is spreading as fast as the swine flu in the NFL and the ability to add a guy like Michael Vick into a formation like that could be a game changer for many teams.
Let's not completely rule out the idea that this guy could play quarterback again as well, somewhere. In the NFL, the talent of quarterbacks is very top heavy. Many teams have average at best QBs. Vick is just that, an average quarterback. The biggest difference, Michael Vick has superhuman abilities (man I love watching those videos). In 2006, he did average 12.1 yards per completion, above the league average.
At the end of the day, I just think the potential reward of a guy as talented as Michael Vick is worth the risk to me. A team like the St. Louis Rams could use the boost, not only in talent, but in terms of excitement as well. As for the whole PETA thing, they will have to call off the dogs eventually and just let the man show the world that he can still fight, I mean play(as Ballhawk would say, that is a pun on words).
If all else fails, I'll being the first one to order a UFL Orlando hat as soon as he signs his contract.. woof woof!!
--The Truth